Sunday, January 04, 2009

Simple, easy & definitely delicious

Curry mee (Curry noodle) is one of my favourite dishes. But to get the best curry mee is not easy at all... I still have not found any eatery which sells the best curry me in town. Some said those from a well-known famous kopitiam (coffee shop) is the best, but I find that it was still below expectation! Any new recommendation?

I had tried the one from a foodcourt in USJ6, recommended by someone last nite but still... I luv my mum's recipe the best! And today, I somehow got some time to cook my favourite cockles curry mee! Obviously, this is my mum's own recipe!
I think the key to good, delicious curry mee are three important things: First, use the good old lesung batu (mortar and pestle) to prepare the curry paste. All you need is, pound some shallots, garlic, curry powder, salt and chilli giling (chilli puree) in the lesung batu. Forget the modern day blender! Blender takes too much texture away, and what is left?
The second key item is, to use some fresh coconut milk! Get some thick and thin coconut milk from a whole coconut.
The third key thing is, using the right garnishing.
O.k now, heat up some cooking oil. Saute the chilli paste till a full aroma is developed. In the mean time u can fry your brinjal by the side. When the paste is really fragant, add water and thin coconut milk till it comes to a boil, and throw in a cube of chicken stock. Then, add the thick coconut milk, and reduce the flame to let it boil. Thereon, put out the flame, put in the deshelled cockles, fried tofu and curry leaf. Leave it for about five minutes. And your cockles curry is now ready!
For the garnishing, I personally find that boiled cabbage and long beans, fried brinjals, sliced chilli, and some mint leaves, are enough to make the curry mee fabulous!

It really put me off when they put fake sauteed onion, hard boiled egg and spring onion in my curry me. Why can't they just stick to the old, proven style?
And this is what I want when I order a curry mee - a simple yet delicious curry mee! Since I was too excited to enjoy my curry mee, I had actually forgotten to put the mint leaves! I just realised that on my 2nd helping ;)


At 9:03 AM, Blogger the anThropologist said...

Oit. Nampak macam sodap ajer.... Mintak semangkuk?? :P

Have you tried Madam Kwan's curry mee?

At 9:47 AM, Blogger akupunyahal said...

kerang tuh mengancam jiwa lara!

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suka pic lesung batu tu...
Amazing kat umah org bujang ada lesung batu ;)

At 11:19 AM, Blogger SYUKS said...

Curry Mee... the end product looks very delicious... tapi sebab ada santan based tu yang buat i tak suka sgt dengan curry mee
Lebih prefer kuay teow soup or bandung.. he he

At 4:18 PM, Blogger artisticklytouch said...

bila nak bagi rasa neh, asek citer ajer

At 9:06 AM, Blogger y_awy said...

waaahh.. best nye tgk rupanya.. belum rasa lg tu.. :)
memang kagum dgn ko bro..
satu hari nti, wat le rumah terbuka pada pembaca2 blog ko ni.. kami nk rasa makanan yg wahdi san buat .. huhuh
mengidam oooo... ;p

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow..nampak sedap...akan cuba ur mom recipe ni..
saya tak begitu gemar mee kari...
tapi cara u describe sgt sedap nya resepi ur mom buat saya nak try resepi itu..
dan photo2nya juga buat saya double ingin cuba..

happy new year wahdi!

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahdi,betoi kata Malim yg buat bertambah mengancam mee kari sebab ada kerang.Terlioq habihhhh...Rio

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Faisal Admar said...

fullamak! you cooked yourself? impressive! :)

curry mee is my favorite tau!

At 8:59 AM, Blogger [danial][ma] said...

hej! yummylicious...;-)

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


i don't like the texture from using the lesung batu..

perhaps it was my mum's teaching, to have smooth paste in cooking..


At 2:07 PM, Blogger dzeng said...

look nice, santan tak pecah minyak. there is one hawker centre in subang, they have a very nice mee kari.

not exectly in subang. from shah alam to federal highway, you take left turn at the motorola junction, and immediately stay left, then you will reach the company selling hard drive, western digital you turn right under the bridge, so it leads you to kelana jaya. around 100 meters you take left, besides the Selangor football association (SFA tuff) and immediately you will see the hawker centre, name subang restaurant or something.

you should try the kueh teuw also, then you will say. thats the best kueh teuw ever.

the mee curry /katong laksa kuah is wonderful

At 9:19 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Dakstn7- Semangkuk? cukup ke? :P yeah have tried one, but still...

Malim - apa2 je ada kerang sedap kan?

Syuk - Santan makan sesekali o.k kot..hehe

At 9:20 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Manja- hehehe tiap umah wajib ada lesung batu hehe.

Art - soon ye uol!

Kasih - yg tumbuk tu maid i :P

At 9:22 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Yawysan- one day lah kalau i pindah umah baru i jemput makan2 k?

Catz- ye ke? heheh selamat mencuba!

Rio- next time ada rezeki i wat makan2 k? ;)

At 9:24 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Faisal - yessss i yg masak hehe

Danial - oh yes he he

Budlee- but for sure the taste is different, and u know which is better :D

At 9:26 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Dzeng- thnx for the info!! mmm i must give them a try! ;)

At 10:12 AM, Blogger shah said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uii...letak terung eh, tak pernah aku makan mi kari letak terung...

aku macam tak nampak pun entry starbuck planner 2009... takda review kaa

At 11:39 AM, Blogger ginseng4desoul said...

masak tak ajak! :-P

At 11:47 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

yes letak terusng so sedap hehehe
takde review, dah beli tapi tak menarik lah planner tu :P

At 11:48 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

next time i ajak masak dan makan k? ;)

At 2:37 PM, Blogger :: NbC :: said...

mee kari 8 bowls pls..! hehhehe

gambar lawa, mee pon nampak sgt cedap..

At 6:36 PM, Blogger eddie alexis said...

i suke ipoh curry laksa kat only mee..

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice photo works! and I am sure the mee taste as good.

tapi walaupun u said that this is an old proven style, entah kenapa i find your ganishing weird (boiled cabbage and fried binjal??). Mungkin lain org lain cara. Your old proven style may not be the same as other old proven style. But the based of the cooking is the same.

Anyway, nobody can kalahkan our own mom recepis. Not even a top iron chef.


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


meleleh air liur dikala ini sambil terkenangkan bubur kerang

At 9:25 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

NBC - Thnx! 8 bowl? he he he

Eddie- Only Mee? I penah try sekali kat bangsar, not bad!

At 9:26 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

Anon- Agreed! yeah, masakan ibu paling hebat di dunia!

Mrmussel - wah ingat janji nampak OPSSS

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Apsal ade terung dalam Mee Kari erk? wahh ari nie tiba2 plak fiq suka masuk blog wahdi.. tiba2 plak mengidam makan mee kari..

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Faisal Admar said...

i wish i know how to cook. takdir kot :(

At 11:21 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

Fiq- Ada, sedap ;)

At 11:21 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

Faisal - ala bro senang je masak, ikut gerak hati ;)

At 4:11 PM, Blogger the anThropologist said...

As an introduction, semangkuk jer ler. Pastue kalu ang okay, bermangkuk-mangkuk ler aku mintak. Huahahahahahahahaha..... :P


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