Today is my birthday!

Today is my 28th birthday and I'm celebrating it on my couch in the living room! I have been down with a fever since last nite, and after seeing the doctor, I was given one day medical leave for today... so I hope I will be better later tonite...hopefully...
Since everyone is still in raya mood, I will share some raya pictures in the next entry... Dad has not been well since last year, so it has been quite an emotional difference this hari raya. But it was still a great family get-together as usual!
Before I forget, here is the recipe for my chocolate pretzels as promised before, and I hope u guys will give it a try!!!
The ingredients :

The steps:

And this hari raya, I had placed all my cookies in Sbux coffee jars. En Arip bought them,(6 in total) during our Sydney trip last May. Nice isn't it? And each jar was only AUD9!!

Selamat Hari Raya!
makan ubat elok2....biar lekas sembuh noh?!
hope u have a speedy recovery... laaa sikit nyer MC tu...kalau i kasi mesti dah 2 ke 3 hari...
Ini misti kes demam lepas raya - biasalah tu .... makan ubat bro, kalau tak sembuh dlm 3 hari elok gi jumpa doktor balik. Bukan apa, USJ tu terkenal juga dgn kes Denggi nye .... he he Get Well Soon
hohohoho....harap2 bukan demam denggi lor...
ni rasanya kes makan byk sgt rendang la nie...
aii...ingtkan lecturer2 je yg sakit teruk sebab mkn rendang byk sgt, rupa2nya bro pun sama sahaja,,hahaha.
Sakit2 pon gigih letak recipe yer! Hehehe... anyway, get well soon!
Happy besday and get well soon mr wahdi.
ha tak pe demam nak membesar kan.. maybe nak tumbuh wisdom teeth *lariiii... tapi chantek lah pic choc pretzel tuh...
may HE grant you with good health, wisdom, wealth and happiness be with you always. Many happy returns, Wahdi.
Do take care & thanks for the much awaiting recipe! Definitely will give it a try someday. :)
Happy Belated Birthday! :)
hej! wahdi...happy birthday! may you have many happy returns...;-)
Happy belated birthday!!! =)
keep the pictures coming!
Yazrie- thnx nohh!!
Syukur- thnx! yeke?? sioknya dpt doc cam doc syukur ni, pasni demam jumpa u je lah eh? ;)
Army- tul tu, doc kata banyak makan daging sgt hehehe thnx!!!
Rich - Demam2 maintain semangat katanya! thnx!!!
Hilam- Thnx bro!!! yes i will ;)
Danialma- thnx Danial!!!
theone- thnx!!!
Bem - Thnx Bro Najeeb Ishak!
Kaish- TQ so much!!!
Malim- ahaks~ gigi tu lum habis tumbuh yer! ada space lagi ni ;) thnx uol!
Zara - Thnx!!!! huhu ha u mesti cuba yer!!
Hilman - thnx bro!!!
Happy belated b'day mate! Moga2 sakit abang dh beransur pulih....n thanks for the pretzel recipes!
hey !! Happy Belated Birthday !!
wahh..sedapnyer pretzelss..bak cni cket !! :P
Happy Belated Birthday & Selamat Hari Raya Bro!!
Happy Belated Birthday...
happy birthday bro!! i'm 3 days older!! heh!! :p may the year bring lots of joy & hapiness to you!! happy 28th birthday!! :)
bernard - thnxxx!!! no problem for the recipe ;)
Sue- thnx sue... bak sini? dah bg respi tu kenalah try ahaks ;)
aziz- thnx bro!!!
jmam- thnx ya!
Mnn- thnx mnn, oo ingat kita sebaya huhuhu
Happy belated b'day to you.... semoga hidup lebih sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah...amiinnnn...
Rush - Thnx bro!!! Amin...
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