12-hour cookies
Malim, Rich, Kasih, Ecah and I have decided on a Hari Raya assignment just for fun! We decided to bake two Hari Raya cookies each, and upload all the pics on Monday. But I had failed to meet the deadline! Ada denda kah? *matilaU know what, I've spent 12 hours on Sunday to finish the cookies below. OMG since i baked the cookies with sticks on them, I have actually limited the space in my oven . So, I had to do multiple batches, each batch limited to only 7 cookies!. Another few extra hours to make sure the icing sets properly, and then, the wrapping process, too.
So I am uploading one type of the cookies first. The rest is coming soon, can ah? So, let the pictures tell the story. Enjoy!

wahhh!!! x sesia kan 12 jam berhempas pulas.. suke..suke.. nak biskut tu... nak 10 leh.. hehehehehe... :p
Salam Wahdi.
First time i meletak komen kat sini...coz teruja tgk biskut yang cantik dan hasil tangkapan gambar yang cantik from you.
Hayoo! Mmg berbaloi yer 12 jam uols! Suka sgt!
patutlah 12 jam hehe well can add another buss section to phat & fierce ye dok!
tapikan weols rasa takde orang nak makan cookies neh...cantik sangat!!! haiyooo sayang ok kalau masuk perut...how much setangkai?
Ini biskut raya paling exclusive dan tercantik yg pernah lihat. kalau jual ni - hanya org kaya2 je yg mampu beli kot..... yelah, sikit punya byk masa habis & yg paling mahal kena bayar harga creativity yg tinggi.
meriah biskut ni.... berbalio ok 12 jam... ha pics mmg lawa yer
WAHHHHHH beshnyaaaaaa!!!!!
So tantek! *clap clap*
cute sgt ok.. nak makan pun syg ;-)
Ecah - ahaks 10 je? *matilah. Kira berbaloi eh Cah? ska!
Kasih- Kaler pink? leh je~~ kan mcm sayang nak makan !
Zuridah - Thnx!! rasa hilang penat buat kuih ni bila sema komen mcm u hehehe
Rich - Kan!! Suka!
art - another buss sec? tak sanggup uols!! haiyo kalau nak jual setangkai RM15 leh? *matilah takde yg beli!
Haruan - hehehe ye ker? suka!! nnt i simpankan beberapa batang yer! ahaks
Malim- thnx!!! kan hilang penat rasanya bila tgh hasil...
Otak belacan - tantek? thnx thnx!!!
Kak Pinky - Wah kalau akak dpt sejambak kaler pink how? tanak makan kah! huhu
Wahhh..sungguh la sweet temptation! Nak! Nak!! Nak 2!!
*sib baik baru lepas Sahur.. kenyang lagi.. if not.....
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hej! wahdi...whoaaaahhhh...so cute cookies...creative! so temptiing...
This cookie was born to be a model jer ker atau buleh di NGAP skali? he..he.he..
p/s : Bula pose nie ekau & En Arip tak keluo TV laie ko? he..he.he..
cantik cookienyer.....gambar pun cantik...tahniah atas hasil kerja anda...
memang kreatif abis.....(^_^)
waaaaah...sangat cute laa.. u'r so talented. Jelousnyaa....jelousnyaaa..
huaaa... impressive... nak datang beraya kat rumah Wahdi, can one huh...? hehe
Zara - Thnx~ ahaha nak? meh lah raya my house ;)
Danial- thnx bro!!! ;)
Abg Syahrol Kanda - Ahaaha tahun ni weol demand pasal payment so takde kuar TV ler ;) tu kueh raya, mestilah leh ngap!
Tim's oat - yeke?? wah terharu! thnx!!
Yanie - thnx !!! ;)
JMam - thnx!!!! tambah semangat nak buat lagi pasni ;)
Kemabara - Thnx bro! hehehe mea hle dtg beraya umah den tahun ni ;)
love ur cookies,
love ur pic,
love ur tidyness,
love to know u .....
i think u r a wonderful person to be fren with...
amymaria- oh really? thnx!!
me too love to know u ;) sorry for late reply ;)
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