Thursday, August 28, 2008

Corn Jelly in glass

This is what I had for breakfast yesterday. I had prepared the jelly before sleeping, and garnished it the next morning... I actually saw ginseng's entry regarding his tiramisu, and got freaking tempted by looking at his pictures, so I decided to make some homemade dessert, too! Since I was craving for corn these few days, so here it goes!
An ear of raw corn... Bangun2 pagi bukak fridge jelly sedang menunggu...
Simple garnish..
Wanna have one?


At 12:58 AM, Blogger Nek Rock said...

yooooo wahdi,1 glass of corn jelly pleaseeeeeeeee,lalalala

At 6:59 AM, Blogger akupunyahal said...

sedapppppnyerrrrr! i like those picsss... menjadii lah..

At 8:37 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Nek - Boleh je Nekkk wah nek org petama yg tgk dulu ek? yelah org lain tgh membongkang hehe Satu gelas cukup ke Nekkk sedap tau! *matilah

Malim - Sedap yer malim, mlm tadi dah reneh jelly lagi~ perisa lain plak uols! Ha weekend depan, kita buat photoshoot yg kita bincangkan uols!

Kasih - SAMA?? dlm mimpi mana satu kasihhh??? hahahaha
Nak satu? aiyoo cukupkah? sgt sedap ni yer! *matilah lagi

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Bernard said...

Gambar no. 2 buat saya tergoda nk makan corn in cup. N also beli jagung manis to make one of those!!!

At 11:46 AM, Blogger ginseng4desoul said...

Hayooo... menjadi yer! Diva sgt gambar uols. Macam cookbook plak! Tiramisu iols tinggal 1 sarjok!!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger :: NbC :: said...

wahhhhh nengok gambar pon da terasa cedapnye.. buat strawberry lak wahdi.. kaler pink pls.. hahahha

At 1:52 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

Bernard - Ha u must try! senang je tu!!!

Rich - tinggal satu? haiyoo pasti sedap sgt tu sbb cepat habis hehehe

Pinky - mmg cedap~~~~ *matilah ha next time i nak wat mcm2 kaler, leh lah masukan pink heheh

At 9:19 PM, Blogger add_asyraf said...

wah...tgk pic jer dah leleh dah air liur nie...nak satu boleh bang???huhu...
nice pic nice blog nice food...everything nice...i bagi 5 bintang...tetiba gangstarz...huhu...

At 11:51 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

Hi Add, boleh..dah 2 pun boleh :P
5 bintang? banyak tu! thnx! ha tambah lagi satu jelas jelly, den bg 3 gelas huhuhu

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Big Boys Oven said...

hi wahdi, for sure we will inform you of our macaron class soon!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Puteri Nuur At-Terawis said...

eeiii.. kesian pompuan mengandung tengok taw.. meleleh je rasa air liur ni.. mcm mana nak buatnyer?

At 12:05 AM, Blogger artisticklytouch said...

haiyooo ingatkan ada proses2 membuat corn jelly...tiba jers setongkol jagung bertukar pling pling menjadi segelas corn jelly..

pic dalam peti ais tuh sangat the very filem psycho he he

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I was salivating like a Pavlov dog when I saw the pics. :)

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

nak2 !!!!

nak recipe sekali :D

At 5:51 PM, Blogger wahdi said...

BB Oven - Thnx!!

Nur - hehe senang je nak buat tu later i bg tahu kat entry akan dtg ;)

Art - haha yelah jagung tu dah kena sentuhan emasku terus jadi jelly ;)

Budlee - leh leh tunggu entry akan datang ;)

At 1:11 PM, Blogger SYUKS said...

an ardent fan of your photography masterpieces !!! Ha ha

At 8:41 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

Syuk - hahahaha boleh jer :P

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bleh makan ke daun tu?

At 10:19 AM, Blogger wahdi said...

kan daun pudina tu, mestilah bleh ;)

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tetiba rasa nak komen plak, ala gmbar cntik photoshop lebih tu,ngagagaga,-IPIN

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

menawan dan sesuai dgn color kuning tu...resepi please, buleh try...


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