Milk splash shot!
For those into photography and DSLRs, I think u guys should join us on our next experiment! Huhu... Actually, Malim and I have decided to do some experiments in photography, and discuss it to enhance our skills in photography.For the 1st task, we had experimented the water splash shot, by using fruits and milk. The deadline was in one week, and during the task we exchange info on what we have learned, in getting the best result. It wasn't an easy task; in fact, it was quite difficult! And I had chosen kiwi fruit as the object to be dropped into milk. And here is the result:

I guna kiwi kuning tapi tak cun, so guna yg hijau plak ;).
I've tried the cherry splash on milk, but the splash impact wasn't dramatic enough, and rather too small... so I ended up doing only normal photography for the cherries ;) So, for those interested to join the next fun task, let us know!

salam..cantik sungguh...bro guna apa utk edit pic ek
hayooo menarikk yer.. mmg diva gambar kali ni! i like the kiwi splash.. menjadi lah
bro, cun ah
cantik gilesssss
wah me pun nak try after this
nyum nyum
dah lama x-makan kiwi
Asarli - Salam Bro! I guna Adobe in Design tuk create susunan tu ;)
malim- Thnx! urs pics too! Catik dan bergaya! huhu hazab yer nak wat spalsh tu?? mcm tak puas lagi! sbb tak tak try guna clear water lagi. Tak sbr nak wat next Assignment!
Sue- Thnx sue! btw kaler merah kat cherries tu sexy kan? ;)
Megat - thnx Megat!! mari2 mencuba! ;)
Superb piccas!
Mintak izin nak add ur blog in my bloglist, thanks ya!
ejey - Thnx bro!!! really appreciate that! sila2 add je jgn segan2 hehe ;)
sexyyyyyyyyy bangat :p
Salam mesra Far! Kuning yang bening.Dek merah terserlah.Harmoni seiring.Aduhaiii..nikmat nan indah.
Wow... would love to join your assignments, tapi first things first, kena beli DSLR dulu... bummer!
Your composition is excellent but you need to work on your lighting and polish up your editing skills.
The lighting is too strong.
I suggest you get better lenses instead of using your kit lens. It's something worth investing in.
When you capture better pictures, you'll spend less time editing.
Sue - yess luv red so much ;)
Rio - Mesraa~~ ;) Thnx Rio!
Ginseng - We are not professional, so takyah beli DSLR yg mahal2 beli yg biasa2 je ;)
Kasih - Thnx!! nak lagi? tunggu nanti i upload ;)
Lance- Thnx for the tips!, yeah the bright part was purposely done as i wanted for this batch. Btw i did very minimal editing ;)
dik, x makan pun x perlah, nengok gambar pun yang perrhhh tupun dah jadi kenyang
rasanya those cherries with green kiwi lagi cantik kot..Tapi yang ni pon dah sgt cantik.Look so yummy!! (sib baik kat sini senang dpt cherry..takde la kempunan)
Love that kiwi+milk splash! white and green sangat masuk warnanya..
haiyooooooooooooo .. makan hati ok !!!
wahdi .. ajar ajar
Satu lagi kerja tok guru kamera yg hebat... cantik menarik dan mengasyikkan ... wah bior bebenor lah kalau macam ni pun Abg Bear jadi fotographer lah...
after take photos of fruits, can eat the fruits!
Crazybeautiful88 - huhu ye ke kak? thnx!tp kalau dpt makan lagi best kan?
Mimi- Salam ,thnx!! huhu i tak sempat snap pic cherries tu ngan kiwi hijau sbb i dah telan dulu kiwi hijau semua heheh
Lily - Haiyoo senang je uols, leh je i ajar ;) tak cas apa2 pun :D
BeruangMadu - Thnx! haiyoo belum lagi sampai level tok guru yer, baru pegang DSLR 3 bulan heheh
Chen - Definately!!!! ;)
what's ur next experiment?I want to try too!
-Mak Julie-
Jom uols! next experiment weol nak snap botol perfume. Snap supaya nampak glittering dan menarik org supaya membeli! lebih kepada lighting gethu. Mari!
wow beautiful pics.... wahdi boleh ajar cam ner ambil gambar yang cantik tak ??? terkesima...he he
Hi Syuk, thnx huhuhu boleh jer ;)
Fuyo.. the pictures are so, so, so jealousifying.
*tumpang lalu japs*
*pssst! I'm speechless!*
Josh, - ala u oso can snap like that ma~ ;)
Zara - hehe lalu? sila2, speechless? me to tak tahu nak ckp apa hehe
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