Take note of this entry!
Everytime I see her pics on TV, in newspaper, posters around town, I have to look like the pic below... trying to imagine how she would look like straight up...

Sharlenie's disappearance is the latest kidnapping in Malaysia and everyone knows about this. So, I don't have to repeat the story here. But I have done a few PhotoShop pics of her to help u guys spot her easier. Please distribute the pics to as many people as possible...
Standing straight up?

Maybe, she's sporting long hair now?

Or maybe clean-shaven to look like a boy?

Even camouflaged with a tudung?

brilliant! I do think that the parents need to give some other photos of her. The position of the head does make her look a bit different. They should have print other pictures of her. I assume she must have other pictures taken...
another case and another suffering.. it seems that nobody learn from it... is this going to be another brutal murdered and sexually abused case? sighhh...
yah good job with making different pictures of her..
weh malimkundang, relak ler brother, there is still hope and lets just pray for her safety yah bro...
trully i said..if sharlinie in front of me with another identity, mmg x knal..huhuh
another child missing again. world getting harder isn't it?
Hye wahdi... the photos that are circulated is only the 'senget one'. they should provide pics of her form diff angles.
i like that pic of you...cute sangat
Hye wahdi... the photos that are circulated is only the 'senget one'. they should provide pics of her form diff angles.
i like that pic of you...cute sangat
hi wahdi. i got a nasty backache today from 3 days of gym-going session in a row. hope u r fine though
rajinnya edit .. macam2 rupe sharlinie ade ..
mane lah tau .. kot2 dorang ubah ape2 kat dia supaya org tak cam ..
wahdi....bagus la u buat macam ni, well at least u buat something la kan on your part to help. harap2 ramai circulate.
i pun terfikir kenapa the parents pilih gambar yg kepala tilted ni..maybe its the latest they have.
wahh!! i suke versi pakai tudung tuh! great job!
Great job bro. Hope it'll help in finding her. It's so embarassing how the authorities never thought of this first.
Hi a reader ;) thnx, maybe gambar tu paling latest and clear kot?
hi Malim...yeah for sure benda di akan berulang in future :(
Hi Budlee thnx... to be honest i agreed with malim...tapi kita doa lah semoga dia dijumpai dlm keadaan selamat....
Hi betty, me too..i paling takleh nak cam kalau di betul2 dpn i...ermmm
yeah, because of money people getting cruel!
Hi Shine..yes depa patut bg pic tegak, takle jumpa budak kita kena sengetkan kepala plak LOL
U like my latest pic?? hehehe
Hi Chen..
get well soon bro! i'm o.k and can't wait for public holiday tomorrow ;)
Hi lily, sbb susah sgt nak bygkan muka dia kalau diri tegak ;)
Yes mana tahu dia dah makin kurus??
kena edit pic dia cengkung ni...
Hi Anne, kurang2nya i dpt buat sesuatu walaupun kecik...
Tulah harap akan ada banyak gambar adik Sarlinie yg parents dia akan sebarkan...
Hi Hanis, thnx~ i suka yg bald...
Hi Shah..itulah....kenapalah depa tak wat camtu..ermmm
Bagi fiq! Sudah lama dia hilang, mungkin Arwah seperti kes Nurin or Budak nie di seluduk ke negara luar, oR di potong bahagian2 untuk di jadikan pengemis, Nahuzubillahhh... Fiq pun sedih tengok kes adik yang hilang nie. Apasal tak ada picture yang rambut macam duri landak? HAHAHAHA mana lah tahu budak nie di bawa ke LA ke! HEHEHE
congrats! u have done a very noble job... i dah passed around this pic, depa semua impressed dgn uol...
Wahdi, a commentor AnnKanni alerted on your blog 'cos I'd been meaning to thank you for the images of Sharlinie that I received via email and posted on my blog. Hope it helps more people to be on the lookout for her. Cool blog bro!
Come on "Human"! When did you guys wake up. Do something memanfaatkan masyarakat or in another way to say do something benda yang berguna for yourself so that the rest of your life you would not regret!
Thanks bro to work out this blog. Everytime look at shahlinie photo i felt that i cant do anything, cant helps for those child missing or abused.
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